
Love Your Coasts photography competition
Posted on Fri 12 Jul 2024

Members might be interested in the email below received by the club.

To Galway Camera Club, 

Clean Coasts are delighted to announce that the 15th annual is now open for submissions. 

The Love Your Coast competition asks photographers to...

Important information regarding photographing wildlife - please read
Posted on Sun 7 Jul 2024
Below is an email received from the National Parks and Wildlife Service to the Irish Photographic Federation for information purposes and circulation to all members.  Please read and take note that it is a "legal requirement" to have a photography license to...
Inchagoill Island was indeed a hidden gem
Posted on Wed 3 Jul 2024

Members of the Galway Camera Club had a great day out, in georgous weather I might add, when exploring on Lough Corrib, the hidden gem that is Inchagoill Island. We had a wonderfull guide both on board the "Corrib Cruise" and while on Inchagoill Island.  He was both extremely entertaining...

IPF "Images of Distinction" May 2024
Posted on Mon 3 Jun 2024

Below is the link for the IPF Digital Copy "Images of Distinction" May 2024 - our member Gerry Kavanagh feaatures in same. Just click on the link below. Enjoy!

Congratulations to Gerry kavanagh
Posted on Thu 23 May 2024

On behalf of Galway Camera Club I would like to congratulate our club member, Gerry Kavanagh on being awarded a Licentiate Distinction in the IPF panel assessments. Gerry's panel of the required 10 images can be viewed below. Well done Gerry.


1 comment
Scattery Island Outing
Posted on Wed 22 May 2024

The sun may not have shone like promised on the weather apps, but we had a great day out and not a drop of rain! We had a lovely start to our day with a cuppa and some treats at Van De Leur walled gardens cafe before stepping into what is a beautifully designed and cared for piece of tranquility...

Results of POTY & AGM
Posted on Wed 8 May 2024

Congratulations to  the winners in both beginners and advanced sections of the Photographer of the Year for the 2023-2024 Season and also congratulations to all winners throughout the year. A special congratulations to Heinz Rohleder, winner of the Beginners Section of The...

Awards Ceremony and AGM this Thursday
Posted on Tue 30 Apr 2024

Galway Camera Club welcomed back Podge Kelly, who gave a great and instructive critique of our last of this seasons competition, print "Connemara". Podge's critique is always very informative and helpful to everyone's entry. Congratulations to Patricia Donohue on winning her 2nd in a row in this...

Judging Connemara Print
Posted on Tue 23 Apr 2024

A massive thank you to club member Kay Synott for her wonderful presentation last Thursday.  Her passion and then knowledge for her subject was clearly evident and the work that went into her presentation was obvious.  Thanks Kay for sharing the knowledge.

Galway Camera Club...

Club member Kay Synott giving a presentation this Thursday
Posted on Tue 16 Apr 2024

Thanks soo much to Nicholas Grundy on what was a really interesting/informative and at times nerve wrecking adventure up some high cranes which gave us amazing pictures that showed the world of industrial photography from angels that could only be imagined. If you would like to see more of...

Reminder for Connemara Prints
Posted on Thu 11 Apr 2024

Reminder that entries for our last competition of the season are due in tonight 11th and we look forward to Nicholas Grundy's presentation.

Photo below shows happy winners from "Happiness is..." theme.

Galway Camera Club welcomes Nichlas Grundy
Posted on Mon 8 Apr 2024

Thanks a million to Mike Shaughnessy for judging our last digital theme of the 2023-2024 season "Happiness is...". I hope he left feeling the benefit of the theme! Always a pleasure Mike.

Galway Camera Club are delighted to have Nicholas Grundy this Thursday night. Nicholas is a man of...

Last Digital Competition Judging for this season
Posted on Tue 2 Apr 2024

Congratulations to Michael Corbett for his stunning winning entry in the Sweeney Panel Competition. Below is a picture of a smiling Michael holding his cup with Ann Sweeney, also in the picture is Tom Quinn 2nd and Martin Whyte & Kay Synott joint 3rd.This Thursday we welcome our local press...

Judging of Panel Competition Thursday 21st
Posted on Wed 20 Mar 2024

Thanks to all members who attended the protrait tutorial last Thursday - some photos from the night below.

Judging of the "Sweeney" Panel Competition takes place this Thursday 21st, with judging by our own Ann Sweeney. This is an interesting critique night as are all competitions nights -...

Thanks Andreas
Posted on Sun 10 Mar 2024

Having a former club member come back and give us an excellent night of hints, tips and just practical knowledge on many aspects of the human side of photography was just great. It is wonderful to hear advice that you know has been obtained through experience and that is what we got last...

Andreas Riemenschneider - Aspects of Portrait photography
Posted on Mon 4 Mar 2024

Thanks to Richard Duff for last Thursday's presentation on his Hides in Co Laois and then onto Namibia showing us amazing photographs from 2 very different areas of the world.  A huge thanks to Richard for giving an amazing prize to a lucky club member, a day out in one of his Hides. ...

Whelan Cameras 75th celebrations
Posted on Thu 29 Feb 2024

Those Galway Camera Club members who were on the ball getting tickets for the Whelan Cameras 75th birthday celebrations to the "sold out" event with James Crombie, in collaberation with Canon, which was held in the International Rugby Experience in O'Connell Street, Limerick, would like to say...

Richard Duff's presentation on Hides and a lot more this Thursday
Posted on Tue 27 Feb 2024

Galway Camera Club welcomes Richard Duff this Thursday the 29th to talk about photography from his Hides in Co Laois.  Richard Duff is a passionate Wildlife photographer who has photographed most of the local wildlife in Co laois. He has gone as far afield as Nimibia, which whch should...

Seascape Winners
Posted on Fri 23 Feb 2024

It was with great pleasure that Galway Camera Club welcomed 2 judges this week - it was all the more special that they were from our own ranks! Thanks to Martin Whyte and Michael Corbett for doing such a great, informative and helpful critique for all competition entrants. Congratulations to the...

Photos from our Exhibition Night
Posted on Sun 18 Feb 2024

Galway Camera Club had its first exhibition of its member's work in approximately 10 years last Friday night in The Galway Rowing Club.  It was a night for members to be proud of, with the variety of subject and talent that was on show.  Thanks to the committee for all the work that...

Member's exhibition night Friday 16th February
Posted on Mon 12 Feb 2024

Thanks to Deirdre Deegan for her very informative presentation on all elements of composition.I'm sure everyone went away with ideas of how to perhaps look a little differently at things while taking that extra moment to compose and check.  Thanks Deirdre for donating your fee to Madra....

Guest Speaker Deirdre Deegan this coming Thursday 8th
Posted on Tue 6 Feb 2024

Galway Camera Club are delighted to have Deirdre Deegan giving a presentation on a very integral part of photography - Composition. For many reasons, this is one not to be missed. Below is a small bit of information on Deirdre Deegan.

Dee Deegan is a Galway based multidisciplinary Teaching...

A night of light trails, creativity and fun
Posted on Sun 4 Feb 2024

Thanks to all who braved the tractor protest last Thursday. We had creativity, laughter and a special appearance by 007! Below are some examples from the night.

Don't forget to bring your pictures in next Thursday the 8th for the member's exhibition on Friday the 16th. Also, digital...

Winners alright!
Posted on Fri 26 Jan 2024

A big bualadh bos and thank you to Darach Glennon for all the obvious hard work he put into judging this competition.  His critique was comprehensive, practical and very helpful for entrants going forward with their photography.  We literally ran out of time last night, so Darach, you...

Judging of "Autumn" Theme - Darach Glennon
Posted on Wed 24 Jan 2024

This Thursday we have Darach Glennon judging our Digital competition "Autumn".  Darach will also give (time allowing) a talk on how AI is impacting on photography a subject that is both topical and interesting.

Busy time ahead so reminder not to forget about getting your pictures...

Club cancelled tonight!
Posted on Thu 18 Jan 2024

Due to weather forecast for tonight, which could lead to adverse driving conditions, the decision has been made to cancel club meeting in ATU tonight.  Hopefully we will see ye all Thursday the 25th for judging of the "Autumn" theme with Darach Glennon. Take Care.

In house Tutorial on 18th and Thanks John Hooton
Posted on Mon 15 Jan 2024

A heartfelt thanks to John Hooton for his wonderful presentation and very practical talk on when, where and how he has taken some of his wonderful photographs, some of which you can view below. You can check his instagram page @johnhootonimages and also dont forget you can also see more of John'...

Bird Watching in the Claddagh
Posted on Sun 14 Jan 2024

Thanks a million to Tomas Cuffe from Birdwatch Galway for helping Galway Camera Club members in a search of birds in the Claddagh area, where to look, how to look and when to look.  Tomas is a man of huge knowledge and was very generous with his time and the sharing of his knowledge. ...

Zoom with John Hooton Thursday 11th
Posted on Tue 9 Jan 2024

Galway Camera Club is delighted to have John Hooton opening the 2024 season by zoom, this coming Thursday the 11th.  The zoom link has been sent to all paid up members via member's email. John Hooton is no stranger to Galway Camera Club so please go...

Competitions reminder
Posted on Fri 5 Jan 2024

Hi everyone happy, healthy and peaceful new year wishes to you all.  Just a quick reminder that your digital print competition entries for the theme "Autumn" will be due by midnight Sunday 14th January for judging by Darach Glennon on the 25th January.  Other digital entry competitions...

A Happy Christmas to all
Posted on Fri 22 Dec 2023

On behalf of Galway Camera Club Committee, I would like to wish all our families, friends, club members, presenters and judges that we have had throughout the year, a very happy and healthy Christmas with every good wish for a peaceful 2024. Nollaig Shona Daoibh.

Patricia Donohue


Congratulations to "Out on the Street" winners
Posted on Fri 8 Dec 2023

Steve Scott was our judge for this competition and many thanks to him for what was a very comprehensive and helpful critque.  His suggestions were both helpful and informative.

Congratulations to the all the members who got placed in their categories.  Please go...

"Out on the Street" judging this Thursday
Posted on Tue 5 Dec 2023

This Thursday we hear the critique and see the digital format of the competition "Out on the Street".  It will be judged by Steve Scott - looking forward to seeing people's interpretation of this topic. For more information on Steve see below.

stevescottf8 - instagram page


Programme updated
Posted on Fri 1 Dec 2023

Please go to the "programme" for updates.

Thanks Prof. Zhang
Posted on Fri 1 Dec 2023

We had a very informative night with Prof Zhang who showed the science behind getting those great aurora and moon shots - preparation and patience are 2 vital components. Thank you Prof Zhang.

Next Thursday we have the judging of our digital "out on the Streets" competition by Athenry...

Guest Speak Prof Zhang this Thursday
Posted on Mon 27 Nov 2023

Galway Camera Club are delighted to welcome local photographer Prof Zhang to the club this coming Thursday - he will discuss the “Science behind Moon and Auroa Photography”. Very topical considering we seem to be getting a lot more sightings of Aurora photography these days. We...

Winners in the Brian Callagy Print competition
Posted on Fri 24 Nov 2023

Congratulations to Ger Kavanagh on his winning photograph in the Brian Callagy print competition and to Michael Gough and Marty Whyte on coming 2nd & 3rd. Their winning photos are in the "Results" Gallery. We had a wonderful number of entries, so well done to all and a huge thank you to...

Sheldon Long to judge Brian Callagy Print Competition
Posted on Tue 21 Nov 2023

This coming Thursday we are back in the Whiteroom in ATU and we welcome Sheldon Long to judge our Brian Callagy "Open" theme print competition. Also don't forget that entries for the digital "out on the Street" competition are due on Sunday 26th.

Apart from judging our...

Thanks to Tina Claffey
Posted on Sat 18 Nov 2023

We had a great attendence at our first zoom of the 2023-2024 season and a huge appreciation to Tina Claffey for last Thursday nights presentation of Macro photography, where tiny became large and amazingly beautiful.  Her passion and knowledge, for what is basically underfoot, was wonderful...

An easy to see list of Competitions for the 2023-2024 Season
Posted on Sat 18 Nov 2023

Please see below an up to date easy to see list of all the competitions for the 2023-2024 Season.

Zoom this Thursday with Tina Claffey
Posted on Tue 14 Nov 2023

Galway Camera Club is really delighted to have our first zoom of the season with Tina Claffey, who captures in her own words "a wilderness on our doorsteop" in relation to capturing what the human eye cannot see in these "wondrous bogs".  Tina's website will give a great feel for what will...

Important News - please read
Posted on Wed 8 Nov 2023

Hi everyone - a slight change to this Thursday nigh, so please bring along your cameras, fully charged batteries and a tripod if you have one, but no worries if you dont.

Also dont forget to bring along your print entries for the Brian Callagy and also to upload your digital image on the...

We welcome Stewart Kenny this Thursday 9th
Posted on Mon 6 Nov 2023

Thanks to all the club members last week who participated in our Member's Night and took the time to get a selection of photos together for showing.  I would like to mention that we were very nicely reminded by a member, that sometimes it is not always about getting "that shot"and we should...

Lots of photography and laughter in Coole Park on Saturday
Posted on Sun 5 Nov 2023

A great time was had in Coole Park on Saturday and NOT A DROP OF RAIN! Beautiful Autumnal colors along lovely walks, with a cuppa thrown in  - all made for a lovely way to spend an afternoon taking photographs in good company.  Had to show some of the photos.


Member's Night this coming Thursday
Posted on Tue 31 Oct 2023

This coming Thursday is Member's night - a great opportunity for members to showcase some of their work in a friendly and non-judgemental atmosphere.  If you have pictures to get downloaded, please come a bit early in order that everyone gets their pictures ready for...

Winners alright!
Posted on Fri 27 Oct 2023

Congratulations to all the winners of the first digital competition of the Season and a major thanks to Jim McSweeney for his very detailed, helpful and informative judging of same.  Galway Camera Club really appreciate and realise the level of work that Jim put into giving an individual...

Judging of First competition of the 2023-2024 Season
Posted on Mon 23 Oct 2023

We are delighted to welcome Jim McSweeney to the Galway Camera Club this coming Thursday to judge our first competition of the 2023-2024 Season. 

"Ten years ago Kanturk man Jim McSweeney didn't know how to work a camera but this year the Mallow...

Thanks Paul Madigan for such a great presentation
Posted on Fri 20 Oct 2023

A serious thank you to Paul Madigan who travelled from Cork to show us his amazing prints and digital images with one better than the previous.  Paul truly has a talent for photographing wild life from his garden, Saltee Islands, Africa and beyond. He showed us that keeping your eye on the...

Going wild this Thursday 19th with Paul Madigan
Posted on Mon 16 Oct 2023

This Thursday we are delighted to have Paul Madigan as our guest speaker - see below for information on Paul and some of his great images. 

As a passionate wildlife photographer based in Cork and a proud member of the Blackwater Photographic Society Paul's journey through...

Lots of news so please read
Posted on Fri 6 Oct 2023

Major thanks to Frank Grealish for what was a wonderful display of passion for his 2 hobbies - photography and aeroplanes! The skill that goes into getting photos of this caliber and all aspects surrounding being able to get access, safety, travel etc was a real eye opener....

Frank Grealish - Aviation Photographer this Thursday 5th October
Posted on Tue 3 Oct 2023

If you ever wondered what it is like to take photographs hanging out of a helicopter, or clinging to the side of a mountain to get that shot - well don't miss this Thursday the 5th as we have Frank Grealish, a local photographer, to give us the answers to above and show us the results and a lot...

Thanks Podge Kelly
Posted on Fri 29 Sep 2023

Well, the club members were definitely treated to a fantasic night with Podge Kelly getting a feel for the journey he took, in so many different aspects of both his actual photograph and the different ways he has produced the finished picture.  As well as having an obvious great passion and...

Guest Speaker Podge Kelly - Thursday 28th September
Posted on Mon 25 Sep 2023

Galway Camera Club are delighted to welcome Mr. Podge Kelly to open our 2023-2024 Season. This Thursday promises to be a lovely journey in photography as can been seen from some of the images attached.  Start time 7.30pm.

Podge has been shooting and making images for over 35+...

Great Turnout
Posted on Sat 23 Sep 2023

Thanks to everyone who attended the opening night of the 2023-2024 Season and also for the good wishes online.  We are soo lucky to have Galway as a backdrop for photography with Culture Night just gone, we have Galway Docklands Festival next weekend,  Have a look at attached -...

Opening Night of 2023-2024 Season Thursday 21st September
Posted on Wed 20 Sep 2023

Reminder that this Thursday 21st September @ 7.30pm, is the opening night of our 2023-2024 Season, held in ATU Cluain Mhuire, Wellpark.  We will be delighted to welcome back the familiar faces and welcome new members to our club, but please be aware that numbers are limited.

Just a...

Opening night for 2023-2024 Season is Thursday 21st September
Posted on Wed 13 Sep 2023

Galway Camera Club are delighted to announce that our opening night of the 2023-2024 Season will be on Thursday 21st September in ATU's Cluain Mhuire campus, Wellpark, Galway H91 DY9Y at 7.30pm. Join us for an information night on the great guest speakers the club will be hosting,...

Photographic Opportunities
Posted on Wed 9 Aug 2023

Some possible photographic opportunities for this wekend with Cruinniu Na Mad in Kinvara on the 12th & 13th and also the "Walled Town of Athenry" on Sunday the 13th.  Two different types of days and opportunities. Weather for the weekend a little mixed but go for it.

Just to update with some news
Posted on Thu 29 Jun 2023

Hope everyone enjoyed our gloriuos spell of fine weather and took the opportunity to do some photography.  Just to update, the committee have been busy organising the upcoming 2023-2024 season with our opening night on Thursday the 21st September. So for starters, make sure to put that date...

Saltee Island
Posted on Mon 19 Jun 2023

I know it is short notice, but just received attached and some people may be interested and able to go.

Possible Photographic dates that might be interesting
Posted on Fri 16 Jun 2023

Hi All

Hope you have been enjoying the glorious weather that we in the West have been having. Below as mentioned at the AGm are some dates of events that members might find an interesting photographic opportunity.  Other dates can be found when you login on the website and click on...

Photo Art Exhibition
Posted on Fri 19 May 2023

Erno Kuvaja a member of the Galway Camera Club is having an exhibition in the Old Court House in Kinvara - please see poster below for full details.  Erno would be delighted to welcome all to this exhibition.

New Committee elected
Posted on Mon 8 May 2023

Thanks very much to all who attended the club AGM - it was really great to see such a good turnout and with such enthuasiasm.  Maurice Power, the chairman, announced that he was standing down from the chair and the committee. An election took place for the various positions on the committee...

AGM - Thursday 4th May 2023
Posted on Tue 2 May 2023

Members of the club who travelled to Eagles Flying in Sligo, last Saturday were steeped in luck with the weather and Eagles, owls and others flying. A great place for the whole family and lots to see.  The staff are really welcoming and soo informative so do take a trip there. 


Our Last Guest Speaker of Season - John Kelly 27th April 2023
Posted on Tue 25 Apr 2023

A big thanks to Mike Shaughnessy for judging our last competition of this Season - "Nature". Full results of winners and the winning photographs can be found under the heading above "Results". Below are some of the winners receiving their certificates.

We welcome John Kelly the multi-...

Judging of Nature Competition 20th April
Posted on Mon 17 Apr 2023

Galway Camera Club was delighted to have Michael McLaughlin, photographer from Westport, judging our last print competition of the 2022-2023 Season. Apart from his time travelling, he was generous with his expertise and knowledge in judging the Connemara theme.  We were treated to a...

Judging of Connemara Prints
Posted on Tue 11 Apr 2023

This Thursday the 13th, we welcome Michael McLaughlin from Westport to our Judge the last print competition of the season "Connemara".  You might want to come a little early so that you can have a chance to view the prints before the judging. Michael will also give a presentation of some of...

Outing to Strokestown
Posted on Tue 4 Apr 2023

Galway Camer Club would like to thank Martin Davitt from Davitt Photo Centre in Salthill for judging the "Red"/"Blue" theme competition.  We are very grateful to all who have judged during the year, as it is not an easy task, but one which Martin performed with the knowledge and skill that...

"Red" "Blue" theme competition judging by Martin Davitt
Posted on Mon 27 Mar 2023

Last Thursday the club had it's first judging of the new Panel competition for the Sweeney Perpetual Trophy.  Ann Sweeney judged and as she said it was no easy job.  Thanks to all the entrants and congratulations to Ger Kavanagh who came 1st, Patricia Donohue 2nd and...

Camera Equipment for sale
Posted on Mon 27 Mar 2023

Hi - Club member Mike Dooley has some items of photography equipment he would like to sell - below are details and you can chat with Mike this coming Thursday if you are interested in any of said equipment.  All dealings are strictly between the club members and Mike Dooley.


Judging of New Panel Competition 23rd March
Posted on Mon 20 Mar 2023

Due to the adverse weather conditions the club had to cancel Thursday the 9th's meeting. The committee had a little juggling to do with the programme and wish to thank Tom & Patricia for stepping in and doing tutorials on Lightroom and Affinity last Thursday.   We are also very...

Thursday 16 - Tutorials on Lightroom & Affinity and slideshow
Posted on Mon 13 Mar 2023

Hi Everyone

Well good job we cancelled last Thursday! Having to cancel has meant a slight rejigging of the programme which means that this Thursday the entries for the "Panel" competition are due in and they will be judged by Ann Sweeney on Thursday 23rd March...

Posted on Thu 9 Mar 2023

Important message for all members - as I'm sure you are all well aware of the weather situation for the next day or so and due to the uncertainity of how safe it would be for people to travel, the Camera Club for tonight the 9th March is cancelled so PLEASE...

Thursday 9th - John Kelly
Posted on Sun 5 Mar 2023

We had a great night in our Still Life tutorial and there was certainly enough of a selection to capture lots of pictures.  A special thanks must go to Jim Keller for bringing in what was just a small but fabulous selection, of his large collection of old camera equipment...

Hands on Tutorial on Still Life
Posted on Tue 28 Feb 2023

A really big thank you to Dave & Bryan from Whelan Cameras Limerick who judged in person (with obvious expertise), our print entries for the Brian Callaghy Cup and hanks for the little quiz and prizes at the end!Whelan Cameras also gave a demonstration on mirrorless cameras and other...

Judging of Brian Callaghy Print by Whelan's Camera Shop Limerick
Posted on Mon 20 Feb 2023

Thank you to Philip Smyth for his great presentation on Nature photography last week.

This coming Thursday 23rd, we have the judging in person, of the Brian Callaghy open theme print competition, by Whelans Cameras from Limerick. The entry prints for this competition will be on display in...

Philip Smyth is our Guest Speaker on Nature this Thursday 16th
Posted on Sun 12 Feb 2023

Camera Club members had a great night stretching the minds at the quiz in the Menlo Park Hotel and the Winners were - Claire Dennehy, Tom Quinn, James Percy and Michelle Lynch.  Congratulations guys and enjoy your prize of a voucher.  Picture of the smiling winners below.  A big...

This Thursday 9th club is in Menlo Park Hotel
Posted on Tue 7 Feb 2023

The Camera Club night out is this Thursday the 9th February and will be held in the Menlo Park Hotel @ 7.30pm.  We are having a fun quiz night, so start brushing up on some photography questions etc.,  Prizes for the winning table and the club...

Bellharbour Point to Point day out
Posted on Mon 6 Feb 2023

We had a great day out - be it a little cold, but sunny and dry - at Bellharbour Point to Point last Sunday.  Afraid the bookies didnt make anything on us as we were there for another interest - getting photos! The scenery, the crowds and the action of the racing all certainly provided that...

Samples of tutorial from Thursday 2nd
Posted on Sat 4 Feb 2023

We had a great night experimenting with different light trails last Thursday night and below are just a few sent to me by some members.  Do keep experimenting yourselves.

Important Message Please read
Posted on Fri 3 Feb 2023

Hi Everyone

Important news regarding this coming Sunday the 5th February 2023 - plans have changed and we are NOT heading to Eagles Flying in Sligo, but instead to Bellharbour Point to Point in Co Clare.  To start with the weather forecast is good,...

Results of Macro & Closeup and other news
Posted on Mon 30 Jan 2023

We definitely had winners alright last Thursday and thanks to Nicholas Grundy for his very positive, practical and worthwhile comments on all the entries - it made for a very beneficial and rewarding night. Macro/Closeup certainly made for a variety of ideas in the entries. Thanks Nicholas and...

Judging of Macro/Closeup with Nicholas Grundy
Posted on Tue 24 Jan 2023

A very interesting and informative display of and discussion about Street Photography by Steve Scott last Thursday Night - thanks a million Steve for your time and information so freely given.

We Welcome Nicholas Grundy this coming Thursday, the 26th, to judge our "Macro/Closeup"...

Thursday 19th Steve Scott - Street Photography
Posted on Mon 16 Jan 2023

Thanks to Outdoor Studios for a great presentation/tutorial on Wildlife and how you can get great photos starting from your kitchen window and spreading outwards.

We welcome Steve Scott this Thursday night the 19th @ 7.30pm for Street Photography - this will be of interest to many as we...

Welcome back via Zoom for the 12th January 2023
Posted on Sun 8 Jan 2023

Happy New Year to you all and welcome back to the start of the 2023 season.  As announced we are going via zoom for the first night the 12th January  - starting at 7.30pm, so if everyone could be online a few minutes before, that would be appreciated and you can be...

Results of Competition Theme "Action"
Posted on Fri 9 Dec 2022

Simon Allen - thank you soo much for your very comprehensive and thought provoking judging of our competition themed "Action".  It was very obvious that Simon had put a lot of work into this adjudication and it was lovely to have a person from Scotland judging one of our competitions - one...

Christmas Market Photo Outing
Posted on Wed 7 Dec 2022

Thanks to all who turned up on what was definitely a cold night, but an enjoyable one.  We did attract some attention with all the tripods, but in a good way. Next time we might manage a hot something at the end of the night.

Thursday 8th Judging with Simon Allen by zoom
Posted on Mon 5 Dec 2022

Thanks Nicholas Grundy for your tutorial on Macro & Closeup photography last Thursday.  Great to have the cameras out!  Looking forward to having Nicholas judging our Theme no 4 "Macro/Closeup" on the 26th January 2023.

This coming Thursday the 8th December, we have our first...

Outing to Headford on 27th November
Posted on Thu 1 Dec 2022

Despite a downpour or 2 we got a few photos from our outing last Sunday to the medieval monastery in Headford and the only inland lighthouse close by.  

Congratulations to all winners in the Silhouette competition
Posted on Mon 28 Nov 2022

The Galway Camera Club would like to give a huge thank you to Darach Glennon who judged this competition.  His critique was extremely positive, fair and informative to all - his own presentation of some of his work was just beautiful - well worth looking at his website, so just look up...

Tutorial on Thursday 1st December with Nicholas Grundy
Posted on Sun 27 Nov 2022

Tutorial with Nicholas Grundy is next on our programme for this coming Thursday 1st December @ 7.30pm and this will have an emphasis on Macro/closeup.  As we have a "Macro/Closeup" competition coming up, with entries due on the 12th January 2023, this tutorial is very timely and knowing the...

Judging of Silhouette Competition
Posted on Sat 19 Nov 2022

We were soo privilaged to have Inaki Hernandez bring us around both the oustide and inside of some of the world's famous buildings, showing us some amazing perspectives of these buildings.  We even got to see some of his award winning prints and they were truly stunning.  Thank you...

Guest Speaker - Inaki Hernandez
Posted on Sun 13 Nov 2022

Thanks soo much to everyone who contributed to a full night of members showing the absolute variety of topics, talent and knowledge that was on display last Thursday night - well done to all.

We also presented our beautiful handmade (by member Jim Keller) tropies to members from the...

Member's night and entries for Silhouette Competition
Posted on Tue 8 Nov 2022

This Thursday is "member's night" where we will have members talking about how and why they took their pictures that they will be showing.  This night will show the diversity of talent and also will definitely have a varity of topics in the presentations - should be interesting so dont miss...

Results of Season's 1st Competition
Posted on Mon 24 Oct 2022

We had a wonderfuld trip around the world with Brendan Lawlor's photographs last Thursday.  Many thanks Brendan for such an informative and interesting night.

This Thursday 27th @ 7.30pm we have the results of our first competition of the Season 2022-2023. Critique provided by Kevin...

Brendan Lawlor - Thursday night
Posted on Mon 17 Oct 2022

We always have a great welcome for Brendan Lawlor and his wonderful pictures, full of color, personal stories, his travels and we are always left with a smile on our faces.

So 7.30pm this Thursday night - dont be late! Below are some examples of Brendan's work.

Tutorial night this Thursday
Posted on Sun 9 Oct 2022

A very big thanks to James Crombie for a really great presentation last Thursday night, of both personal and professional photographs from his collection.  The club wish to acknowledge that we have made a donation to Down Syndrome Ireland on behalf of James...

Wildlife Photography with Oliver Wright
Posted on Thu 29 Sep 2022

Wildlife Photographer Oliver Wright is going to give a talk on his work and equipment in the Strand Hotel Limerick on Wednesday 26th Oct 2pm - 5pm. Check the link

Opening Night Thursday 22nd September 2022
Posted on Fri 9 Sep 2022

It is with great pleasure that Galway Camera Club will start our 2022-2023 Season in Atlantic Technological University (Formerly GMIT), in the White Room in Cluain Mhuire, Wellpark, Galway, H91 DY9Y on Thursday 22nd September @ 7.30pm.  All Welcome.

Our first Guest Speaker, on the...

Outing for Club
Posted on Fri 15 Jul 2022

Hi Everyone - hope your Summer is going as hoped for you. The Committee had planned to have an outing this coming Sunday, but unfortunately it seems that the weather will be too good - Imagine! Also, there is a match this Sunday and another important one the following Sunday, so it has been...

Might be of interest
Posted on Tue 28 Jun 2022

Athenry Credit Union are holding, (what seems to be becoming an annual one) their 2022 amateur photography competition - if you are interested in entering there are T & Cs so check out the link and good luck! 


Lightroom & Photoshop Online Summer Courses
Posted on Fri 10 Jun 2022
During the last season Eamon & Christine O'Daly from Outdoor Studio, provided the Camera Club with some really great nights of knowledge and inspiration. They are holding some online Summer courses that may be of interest to Camera Club members commencing 21st & 22nd June.  You...
Information that might interest - Peter Gordon EXPLORELIGHT & More
Posted on Wed 8 Jun 2022
Below is information received from Peter Gordon EXPLORELIGHT that may be of interest to members.
We hope this email finds you well. Just have a few things below that could be of interest to the club.
Kilkenny Photographic Society Wildlife Competition 2022
Posted on Mon 30 May 2022

Members may be interested in the following invitation, received from Kilkenny Photographic Society.  Please go to the website link for full details on this interesting competition and talk. If any member...

Some Themes to be working on
Posted on Thu 19 May 2022

Just some information, as promised, regarding some themes that will be in the 2022-2023 Season 

"Red" - "Weird & Wonderful" - "Macro" - and an "Open" theme. The aforementioned will be in digital format and it is great that we will be back to our print competitions - "Connemara"...

End of Season 2021-2022
Posted on Wed 11 May 2022

Thanks to everyone who tuned into the AGM last Thursday - it was a great attendance.  The Secretary and the Treasurer gave their reports and the Chair spoke about the year gone by and gave some of the themes for coming competitions in the Season 2022-2023, so that members can keep busy...

AGM Thursday 5th May
Posted on Tue 3 May 2022

I know everyone loves AGMs and we, Galway Camera Club, are holding ours this Thursday night the 5th May at 8pm.  The results of the Image of The Year in each category will be announced on the night along with some other well deserved awards.  We will also be announcing some of the...

Image of the Year
Posted on Thu 28 Apr 2022
An urgent reminder to all members who have pictures that qualify for Image of the Year and have not uploaded same, to please do so ASAP.  Just use the same process that you used for uploading your original entries and also please note that the...
Last Judging for 2021-2022 Season
Posted on Tue 26 Apr 2022

Thank you to David Keep for the last of the 2021-2022 Season's presentations of guest speakers and it certainly was an inspiring one to finish on.

Well, I must say that looking back over the 2021-2022 Season, despite having to remain on zoom, we have certainly had a...

Guest Speaker David Keep - Underwater Photography
Posted on Tue 19 Apr 2022

David Keep is the last of our guest speakers for this 2021-2022 Season and seeing as we live on the Wild Atlantic Way, it is quite appropriate that we finish on this topic of photography. David himself states that he is "passionate about all forms of...

A brrrrr in the air night out
Posted on Thu 14 Apr 2022

Thanks to all who turned up for the night shoot - some had returned to the warmth of a fire before we got to do the "selfie"! Great shots on some member's facebook pages.

Thank you David Garthwaite and welcome Deirdre Deegan
Posted on Sun 27 Mar 2022

A huge thank you to David Garthwaite for what was a spectacular demonstration on his photoshop skills which left us in awe at what he can and does produce. If you would like to see some of these results please go to the following links and have a look for yourself  - thank you David ...

Guest Speaker David Garthwaite
Posted on Mon 14 Mar 2022

Delighted to have the opportunity of having David Garthwaite as our next Guest Speaker on the 24th March.  

Some information below about David and some of his stunning images, but please do go to either his website or instagram using the given links to see more of his work before...

Flower Photography followed by Macro
Posted on Mon 28 Feb 2022

Thanks to Denis O'Reilly for a great night of flower photography, showing how one can improve in this skill and make it also into an art form.

This Thursday, the 3rd March, we welcome back Eamon O'Daly from Outdoor Studios with the very popular Macro Photography as subject...

Thank you club members and welcome Denis O'Reilly
Posted on Fri 18 Feb 2022

Thank you very much to all the club members who did such a great job in introducing and talking about their pictures last night - we are soo lucky to have such diversity in our club and it made for a great display of talent in the club.  Thanks guys and think, going forward, this could turn...

Members Night
Posted on Sun 13 Feb 2022

This Thursday the 17th February we are having "Member's Night" - this is basically members putting up 4 or 5 of their pictures onto their gallery in the website and speaking about them - perhaps, why they took it, what attracted them to take it and if they can talk about the settings etc. ...

RTE's "Eye On Nature" competition
Posted on Wed 9 Feb 2022

RTE's photographic competition "Eye on Nature" will be judged by award-winning filmmaker Anne Sommerfield, wildlife photographer Mike Brown and Matthew Jebb, Director of Botanic Gardens of Ireland.

The closing date for entries is 12 noon on Friday, March 4 and...

Your camera's potential
Posted on Thu 3 Feb 2022

Thanks to Eamon O'Daly from Outdoor Studios for another night of information about exploring the potential of the camera, not from the technical side but from exploring composition, light and just looking at things differently and how small things can make a huge difference to the end result....

Guest Speaker Anthony Demion on Astro Photography
Posted on Fri 21 Jan 2022

Thanks to Outdoor Studios for a great, easy to follow and understandable talk on "Understanding Lenses from all stages".

Next week on Thursday 27th we have guest speak Anthony Demion on the topic of Astro Photography - this one could be out of this world (sorry just couldnt resist!).

Results of "Street Photography"
Posted on Sat 15 Jan 2022

Below are the results of the first 2022 competition "Street Photography" - Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all the entrants to the competition.  The club would like to thank Gary Loughran from Carrickmacross Camera Club for being such a great judge and taking time over...

New Club Website
Posted on Wed 29 Dec 2021

Galway Camera Club is delighted to announce our new club website and we are inviting all members to attend an instruction tutorial of how the site works regarding competition entries and member's gallery etc. This will be held on the 6th January 2022, with a notification going out to all...

Outdoor Studio Presentation
Posted on Wed 29 Dec 2021
Thanks to Eamon O’Daly from Outdoor Studio for a very easy to listen to and understand talk on DSLR v Mirrorless cameras which he gave to the club on the 2nd December.
Just to remind all that the club wont be back until 6th January 2022 and unfortunately due to restrictions we will...
New Club Website
Posted on Mon 13 Dec 2021

Galway Camera Club is delighted to announce our new club website and we are inviting all members to attend an instruction tutorial of how the site works regarding competition entries and member's gallery etc. This will be held on the 6th January 2022, with a notification going out to all members...

Poles Apart - Annie Given
Posted on Wed 1 Dec 2021

Thanks a million to Annie Given for last weeks presentation, as she brought us with her on the journey from the Arctic to the Antarctic which was both informative from the photographical and historical angle . We would also like to acknowledge her generous gesture of donating...

13th January 2022 - Judging of Competition
Posted on Sat 13 Nov 2021

Judging of "Street Photography" by Gary Loughran from Carrickmacross Camera Club

6th January 2022 - Tutorial
Posted on Sat 13 Nov 2021

Tutorial Class 8-9pm - Camera Settings - Next Competition (3) Theme has been changed to "Galway through the lens" - Chairman judges this one.