Eamon O'Daly from The Outdoor Studios is our guest this Thursday 23rd

Date Published 
Mon 20 Jan 2025

We had a great turnout last Thursday on zoom for Peter Gordon, who brought us from Kerry, to Pine Island Galway, to the Faroe Islands, Morocco to the Lofoten Islands and more through his beautiful photography, some of which he takes on his tutorial trips. We picked up many tips on post processing and learnt that "good editing should look elegant, not like it has been hit by a sledgehammer". Through your post processing we should be "gradual and directional" in what we want the eye to be directed to. Peter would be grateful for likes etc on his youtube tutorial - just click on the below. Thanks to Peter for donating his fee to Cope Galway

link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s_QkhqQRr4

This coming Thursday, we are having the last of our zooms with Eamon O'Daly from Outdoor Studios all the way from Skerries.  Eamon O'Daly will look at the best ways of  reviewing and storing your photo images. Eamon will give advice and suggestions on how to review images from your camera and provide tips on how best to store same for future access and easy retrieva. Below is the link to the website for Outdoor Studios if you want to have a look at some other courses etc.


Reminder that this is the last zoom and also that WE WILL BE BACK IN ATU ON THURSDAY 30TH JANUARY. For those not familiar with the location, the eircode is in the above header "Home".

Another reminder is that our print competition "This is Galway" will be due on 6th February and please do enter as you will get a double outing for this theme on 30th March at our exhibition, which this year will be open to the public. Please keep up to date with all the competitions, which you will find listed in the headers "programme" and "Competitions" - no excuses not to enter.



Galway Camera Club
ATU, Mervue Campus
H91 DY9Y