
Galway Camera Club is a member of the Irish Photographic Federation. We also have close contacts with other Camera Clubs in Ireland and the UK from where we obtain some of our copmpetition judges and lecturers through out the year.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
The Club meets on Thursday evenings from 7.00- 10p.m.(please check the programme as dates and times may change) at ATU, Mervue Campus, Wellpark, Mervue, Galway H91 DY9Y. We will be having tutorials from 7pm to 7.45pm approximately, prior to guest speakers, competitions etc. You will be most welcome.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

As a member of Galway Camera Club you will have access to the Member's Area of the club website where you can read members only pages, make comments, upload images to your gallery and enter our monthly competitions online.

We can also be found on facebook and Instagram.


For enquiries email: